error 0x00000709

Operation code could not be completed (error 0x00000709). This is an error message when you are trying to add a new shared network printer using Windows 10.

You may also receive this message; Windows couldn’t connect to the printer. Check the printer’s name and try again when making a test print.

This is a result after installing the latest security patch KB5006670 or KB5007186. To learn more about this patch, see Microsoft support page.

To resolve the printer issue, you need to uninstall the KB5006670 or KB5007186 cumulative update from the client computer.

TIP: Uninstall KB5007186 from printer server, where shared printer is.

Uninstall KB5006670 or KB5007186 update to fix error 0x00000709

Go to Windows Update Settings > View Update History > Uninstall Updates

Windows 10 update history
Windows 10 Update History

You will be redirected to Installed Updates. Select the KB5006670 / KB5007186 cumulative update and click Uninstall. Wait until the process is completed and click restart.

You may now add the network printer without receiving an error message 0x00000709.

How to fix failed to print issue in Windows 10

How to prevent Windows from installing cumulative update

Earlier version of Windows has an option to stop receiving updates. In Windows10, patches are installed automatically. To stop Windows from installing specific updates, we need to use the Windows Update show hide troubleshooting package.

First you need to download the Windows Update show hide troubleshooting package from this site.

Sample only | hide Windows Update KB5005565 using Show Hide troubleshooting package

Double click the package to run, click Next, then click Hide Updates.

Select the KB5006670 / KB5007186 from the list, then click Next to hide update and restart.

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