You may call PLDT hotline number and reach them by contact details listed below. Use the PLDT landline or Smart Cellphone for better access. PLDT Customer Service & Repair Service call center are available from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM on weekdays.
Things need to be prepared before calling PLDT Hotline
- Account Number
- Telephone Number
- Account Name
- Full Name and Designation in a company account
- Issue Description
- Trouble Ticket Number for follow up report
Report any trouble with the customer service representative. Don’t forget to note down your reference ticket number. You may be asked for it in succeeding follow up of concern.
PLDT Customer Care can also be reached using Email, Chat & Social Media platforms.
In case you have no other option to report your issue, you may visit PLDT business centers near you.
PLDT Landline Customer & Repair Service Hotline
A- Dial 171 using PLDT landline toll free Monday-Friday 8:00-7:00PM, Saturday & Sunday 8:00AM-5:00PM
B- Dial 171 using Smart Cellphone toll free Monday-Friday 8:00-7:00PM
C- Dial 02-8-888-171 from non-PLDT landline
Social Media Accounts
Dial 101-3427 toll free using PLDT landline
PLDT Home Ultera
Dial 171 toll free using Smart Cellphone
Dial 02-8672-7277 or 1-800-10-6727277 toll free using PLDT landline in Metro Manila
Dial 172 toll free using PLDT landline
PLDT Enterprise
Dial 177 using PLDT landline toll free
Dial *177 using Smart Cellphone toll free
Send SMS key in PLDT177<space>HELP and send to 77177
Send Email to
Log an after sales concern
Report a problem online
Read: Globe at Home Prepaid Wi-Fi– Affordable fast and secure prepaid broadband internet service
When to call PLDT Service Hotline?
Ensure that you have done the basic troubleshooting before calling PLDT Hotline. This will let you familiarize yourself with the issue. If you can solve it by yourself, the next time it happens, there’s no need to ask assistance from PLDT support team. This will also reduce the time of interruption and minimize the incoming calls to the PLDT Hotline.
For internet users, this is your check list before calling the PLDT hotline number.
- Dial tone
- Telephone cable and connectors
- Modem light indicators
- Restart your modem
- Connect your PC directly to modem
- Invalid modem configuration
Tell the PLDT Tech support of what you have done. Usually, they will ask you first to do the basic troubleshooting like the current light indicators. If the basic troubleshooting didn’t resolve the issue, request them to send a technician or engineer to your location.