Your card is declined by the issuing bank. Please try a different card or contact your card issuer with questions. This is a notification message when linking a card to your PayPal wallet. The card is not accepted by PayPal due to card limits and insufficient funds.
It means that the card may have zero remaining balance in it or not activated yet for online transactions with No PIN Purchase Limit. In a result, you won’t be able to add credit or debit card into PayPal account.
While you can call the card provider for support, you may also try setting up the card PIN Purchase limit using online banking.
In this example, I will show you how to add a BDO debit card with the same issue when adding the card to PayPal wallet. If you are using a different card, find Card Control Settings and modify the purchase limit to enable PayPal card enrollment.
How to link a BDO debit card to PayPal wallet
Ensure that your BDO bank account has a minimum balance of at least P500. PayPal requires a minimum balance when linking new cards into their system. Transfer funds into your account if you have zero balance to continue.
Login to your BDO account by visiting Once logged in, proceed to Card Security Management then click the Gear icon under more options to access card security settings.
Select the No PIN purchase limit, then change the default value to either higher or lower than P50,000. Click Save, then Submit it. You will receive an email notification about the limit changes. This is real time; your card is now ready and activated for PayPal use.
To add your BDO debit card into PayPal wallet, go to
Click Wallet > Link a card > Input correct card details, then click on Link Card.
You have successfully added your BDO card to PayPal wallet without receiving an error message.
TIP | PayPal allows you to send money at lower amount into your bank account.